May 31, 2024 | Apple, ITS Updates
Are you running an old version of Citrix Workspace on a Mac? If so you may receive the following message from the ITS Helpdesk. Our management software identified your computer as running an older version of Citrix Workspace app for Mac with a known security...
May 29, 2024 | ITS Updates
The following high priority network upgrades will be completed by ITS during the first week of June. Although it’s anticipated that impacts will be minimal, we wanted users to be aware of the maintenance schedule and the possibility for intermittent disruptions...
May 28, 2024 | Apple, ITS Updates
Over the coming weeks, ITS will be pushing security updates to all W&L managed Apple computers as part of the ongoing efforts to protect against cyberthreats to the university network as well as risks to user data. As these upgrades are rolled out, users will see...