October 2021 Security Awareness Weekly Tips

October 2021 Security Awareness Weekly Tips

Security Technology Cannot Stop All Attacks October 25th, Tip of the Week  | Technology alone cannot protect you. Bad guys are constantly developing new ways to get past firewalls, anti-virus and filters. You are the best defense against any attacker....
Week Two of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Week Two of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

According to StaySafeOnline.org “phishing attacks and scams have thrived since the COVID pandemic began in 2020 and today, phishing attacks account for more than 80 percent of reported security incidents. Week 2 of Cybersecurity Awareness Month will stress the...
Security Awareness Tips from September 2021

Security Awareness Tips from September 2021

Personalized Scams September 27th, Tip of the Week  | Cyber criminals now have a wealth of information on almost all of us. With so many organizations getting hacked, cyber criminals can simply purchase databases with personal information on millions of...