Mar 29, 2022 | ITS Updates, LastPass
What is a password manager? A password manager is a software application that provides users with the flexibility to generate, store, and securely manage all their passwords from a browser extension and/or mobile app. Users gain access to their password manager...
Mar 25, 2022 | ITS Updates, Security Tips
Okta, the identity and access management company W&L uses to secure user authentication into university applications through the MyApps single sign-on page has been in the news recently due to a security incident. Over a five day window earlier this year (January...
Mar 11, 2022 | Security Tips
Securing Your Wi-Fi Access Point February 21st, Tip of the Week | The first step to creating a cybersecure home is to start by securing your Wi-Fi Access Point. Change your Wi-Fi Access default administrator password to something only you know. Many Wi-Fi...