Apr 15, 2021 | Security Tips
In recent years, W&L has pursued a number of initiatives geared towards maximizing the security of internet connected devices used by faculty, staff and students. This has led to the adoption of multi-factor authentication, a password policy upgrade, screensaver...
Apr 8, 2021 | Security Tips
To promote a secure networking environment, W&L currently requires faculty, staff and students to change their university password at least once annually. For those who have been here 12 months or more, you’re all too familiar with the automated...
Apr 7, 2021 | Security Tips
The passphrase requires a few more keystrokes than its predecessor, the password. This simple fact makes it more secure, but also easier to remember when stringing together random words. The passphrase eliminates the need for special characters and numbers, making it...
Apr 6, 2021 | Security Tips
Scamming You Through Social Media March 29th, Tip of the Week | You may be aware that cyber attacks will try to trick you over the phone or through email using phishing attacks, but do you realize they may try to attack you also over social media...
Apr 5, 2021 | Security Tips
Identity Protection According to the Federal Trade Commission on Consumer Information, Identity theft is when someone uses your personal or financial information without your permission. While unauthorized credit card charges might be a common result of this theft,...