COVID-19 Message to Faculty and Academic Staff from CIO

Published | March 13, 2020

Dear Faculty and Academic Staff,  

ITS has been organizing to support the entire campus in preparation for actions that may be taken by the University in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. A schedule of training opportunities will be communicated early next week.  

We’ve received many requests to proactively reserve equipment and obtain software licensing to prepare for delivering virtual instruction in the event the University decides to move in that direction.   Allocation of resources is currently based on priorities as events unfold.  Today, those priorities include individuals quarantined or required to be remote.  However, we are planning for multiple scenarios and are prepared to support faculty and staff needs to the best of our abilities.  

Our priorities and preparations to date: 

  • Those who are quarantined or with immediate hardships are the primary focus to ensure continued access and progress for academic needs. 
  • Developed this web page for a listing of academic tools by need: 
  • Developed this web page for employees who may be required to work from home: 
  • Tutorials and other instructions are being added to those sites and in other areas on the ITS website for those needing support. 
  • Training sessions and materials are being created and a schedule will be released early next week in preparation for potential virtual instruction scenarios.  
  • One-on-one support is anticipated and will be managed to the degree possible with existing staff, the preferred method will be scheduled training to maximize efficiency for all. 
  • Zoom licensing has been temporarily increased but is not available campus-wide.  ITS is assessing all options depending on total need.  Seats will remain reserved and provided for those situations where remote participation is currently required.
  • Equipment inventory is being reviewed and prioritized for distribution based on priority of known need. 
  • W&L’s broadband connection to the Internet has been increased to 10GB (previously 2GB), an effort already underway but expedited and finalized this week. 

There are many factors at play when allocating resources (equipment, software, staff); ITS must weigh and consider, with input from leadership, continuity across the entire University, including critical operational needs in all divisions and departments.  (e.g., payroll, student information system.)   

We are engaged in the larger emergency planning process and will continue to update and revise our plans based on the official university response.  Updates will come via our webpage, Campus Notices and Broadcast Mailer if warranted.  Please let me know of any concerns you may have with ITS preparation and/or support throughout this stressful time.  (Or really, at any time in any year!) 

Thank you,

David Saacke
Chief Information Officer
Washington and Lee University

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