Resources for Teaching and Learning Off Campus

University-supported tools to help maintain instructional continuity when normal class schedules are disrupted.

While not a definitive inventory of resources, ITS Academic Technologies has compiled this list so you can pick and choose that which is most useful for your particular teaching context.

Ensuring web accessibility for students with disabilities for schools utilizing virtual learning during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

I want to share files with my students:

( W&L’s new and preferred method for sharing course files with students.

( cloud-based file storage workspace which enables people to collaborate and share information.


I want to record a lecture:

YuJa lecture capture, available only in Canvas:

I want to communicate with my students:

  • Outlook email:
    Type the name of the course, using this format: For example, or

I want to have virtual office hours or a live video session with my students:

Microsoft Teams (

Zoom (

  • A pro account allows for group meetings with up to 100 participants for up to 24 hours.
  • All faculty teaching during the Winter Term have access to a Pro account. The best method to access Zoom online, as well as most all W&L licensed applications, is to visit and look for the Zoom “Tile” on that page.
  • You can share a link to the Zoom session in an Announcement or into a Calendar event in your Canvas course and/or send participants a link to the session via email.
  • How to Use Zoom Conferencing (Pro account) [.pdf; must log in to Box with your W&L credentials]
  • Additional Zoom Video Tutorials
  • Zoom Keyboard Commands [.pdf; must log in to Box with your W&L credentials]
  • How to use Zoom Breakout Rooms [.pdf; must log in to Box with your W&L credentials]
  • Zoom Polling for Meetings [.pdf; log in to Box with your W&L credentials]
  • To Zoom or Not to Zoom  – Chris Gavaler, Associate Professor of English

Managing your video conferencing expectations

Review helpful tips and information here

Additional resources for faculty:

CARPE is a modern teaching and learning center

Lab Classes – IQ Center Curated List


    I want to have a class discussion online:

    I want to administer a quiz or test online:

    I want to check out technology like head sets, microphones, and web cameras:

    Additionally, Academic Technologies is available to assist with the creation of digital course content and assignments. Contact us!