Hosting a Video Conference
June 29th, Tip of the Week | When hosting a video conference, make sure you password protect the conference so only authorized individuals can join. If there are any strangers or people who you do not recongize on the call, remove them.
Search Yourself Online
June 22nd, Tip of the Week | Ever wonder just how much information is publicly available about you? Ever wonder how cyber criminals harvest information and customize attacks for their victims. The technique is called Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and it is far simpler and more powerful than you think.
Secure Your Home Wi-Fi Router
June 15th, Tip of the Week | The most effective steps you can take to secure your wireless network at home is to change the default admin password, enable WPA2 encryption and use a strong password for your wireless network.
Forwarding Emails
June 10th, Tip of the Week | When you forward an email to others or copy new people to an email thread, review all the content in the entire email and make sure the information contained in it is suitable for everyone. It is very easy to forward emails to others, not realizing there is highly sensitive information in the bottom of the email that people should not have access to.
Personalized Scams
June 2nd, Tip of the Week | Cyber-criminals now have a wealth of information on almost all of us. With so many hacked organizations, bad actors simply purchase databases with personal information on millions of people, then use that information to customize their attacks, making them far more realistic. Just because an urgent email has your home address, phone number or birth date in it does not mean it is legitimate.