ITS News Security Tips From April 2021

students studying
Published | May 3, 2021

Multi-Factor Authentication

April 19th, Tip of the Week  | Use multi-factor authentication for as many accounts that offer it (e.g., Gmail, banking, etc.). W&L has chosen to use Duo MFA to protect your university account.

Protect Your Identity

April 12th, Tip of the Week  | Keep your financial records like Social Security and Medicare cards, and any other documents that have personal information in a safe place. Shred paper documents before you dispose of them. Don’t give out your Social Security number easily. Ask questions first. Does your dentist or child’s school really need it?

Finding a USB Drive

April 5th, Tip of the Week  | Be very careful of any lost USB drives you may find (such as in the parking lot or local coffee shop) or USB drives you are given at public events, like conferences. It is very easy for these devices to be infected with malware. As a rule, use only authorized USB devices issued to you by your employer or school.

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