How Do I Get Started Using Duo?

login screen shot
Published | February 6, 2020

While change of any type can often feel like an inconvenience, getting started with Duo is designed to be friction-less and intuitive for the user. Given what’s at stake relative to the protection it affords, the simplicity is refreshing.

Most know by now that Duo provides you with a way to establish a “second factor” used to validate your identity prior to gaining access (i.e., logging into) to applications containing personal information. The second factor used by most people is a “push notification” received on a smartphone.

Learn the basics of enrollment

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Getting started video

Quick Steps to Get Yourself Enrolled

  1. Download the Duo mobile app for either Android or iOS (If you don’t have a smartphone, go to Step #2)
  2. Next, follow this link and proceed through the enrollment steps as prompted.

You can find a more detailed description of the enrollment process, including screen shots on our How-To page located here as well as general Duo enrollment FAQs here.

Which W&L Applications Are Secured by Duo?

1. Microsoft Outlook Mail & Other Office 365 Applications

2. Box

3. Workday

4. myVI

5. Workday

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