Demand for Coronavirus Maps Creates Opportunities for Malicious Actors

picture of map on a smart phone
Published | March 12, 2020

Cyber-criminals are using the Coronavirus pandemic and the demand for current, yet constantly changing information to spread malware. And, they’re doing it through maps. Here’s how it works. According to Reason Labs, maps that purport to provide users with real time statistics of the outbreak can contain malware.

Once the user has the malware on their device, it seeks to steal credentials, credit card information, and other personal data that can be stored in a browser. The harvested information is then sold on underground forums. The malware looks very convincing (see below) and loads information pulled in from other legitimate sources found on the web.

Image source: Reason Labs

The bottom line and the recommendation from ITS is to be very careful where you source your information. Don’t click on random links that offer to provide you with details about the coronavirus. Be proactive and seek the information you need from sources that you trust.

The CDC has an excellent page that is updated frequently with all the current data and statistics relevant to progression of the outbreak. You can find that page here.

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