What is a password manager?
A password manager is a software application that provides users with the flexibility to generate, store, and securely manage all their passwords from a browser extension and/or mobile app. Users gain access to their password manager through a single primary account password (often a long passphrase), and can set up multi-factor authentication to provide an extra layer of security.
Why use a password manager?
Reused passwords offer a path of least resistance and are the method most exploited by cybercriminals to successfully crack into a user’s online account. Unfortunately, the practice of using the same password across multiple accounts, despite well-known security risks, is on the rise. Individuals have increasingly more online accounts to keep up with and thus greater exposure over time.
Security experts often recommend the use of a reputable password manager to eliminate the possibility of reused passwords while strengthening the passwords used for every account. Recognizing the importance and utility of this type of security product, ITS and W&L have made LastPass password manager available to the campus community. LastPass provides the option of setting up the follow types of accounts:
- Business Account and…
- Families as a Benefit – Personal Account
Intended uses and the functional descriptions of each can be found in the LastPass Accounts document located here.
To learn how to set up your LastPass account, please see our How-To page with step by step instructions. As always, should you have any questions about LastPass, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at X4357 or help@wlu.edu.