Security Awareness Tips From June 2021

Published | July 8, 2021

Go with Passphrases

June 28th, Tip of the Week  | Passphrases are one of the strongest type of passwords you can use and often the easiest to remember and type. Simply use random words or an entire sentence for your password, such as “Honey rain beach lost” The longer your passphrase, the stronger it is. Learn more about W&L’s passphrase requirements.

Installing Mobile Apps

June 21st, Tip of the Week  | Only install mobile apps from trusted places, and always double-check the privacy settings to ensure you are not giving away too much information. Does that mobile app really need access to contacts or need to know your location at all times?

Never Respond to Emails Asking for Personal Information

June 14th, Tip of the Week  | Companies you do business with should never ask for your account information, credit card numbers or password in an email. If you have any questions about an email you receive that supposedly came from your financial institution or service provider, find their number on their website and call them.

Securing Your Wi-Fi Access Point

June 7th, Tip of the Week  | The first step to creating a cybersecure home is to start by securing your Wi-Fi Access Point. Change your Wi-Fi Access default administrator password to something only you know. Many Wi-Fi Access Points or Wi-Fi routers are shipped with default administrator passwords that are publicly known and posted on the Internet.

Social Media Scams

June 1st, Tip of the Week  | You may be aware that cyber attacks will try to trick you over the phone or through email using phishing attacks, but do you realize they may try to attack you also over social media channels, such as Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn? Just like in email, if you get any social media messages that are highly urgent or too good to be true, it may be an attack.

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