While ITS has been focused on the mass move to virtual instruction and distributing equipment to those with need, we turn our attention to the large number of employees moving to a remote environment.
Please consider the following information regarding working remotely found on the ITS News site: Employees Working from Home
Accessing Software:
Many W&L sponsored software applications are available on the “My Apps” page located here: https://okta.wlu.edu.
- Enter your W&L credentials to access.
- Select any application listed to login without being required to re-enter your credentials.
The following administrative applications cannot be accessed from off campus without first connecting to the W&L network (covered below):
- Ellucian Colleague UI
- Raiser’s Edge
- Perceptive Content
- PowerFAIDS
- Other, less broadly used applications and the few offices required to use I: drives
If you are unsure if the W&L network is needed for an application, try accessing directly from your remote location. If that fails try an option outlined below. If that fails, contact the Help Desk (540/458-4357, help@wlu.edu).
Microsoft Office Options:
- Online applications can be found here: https://www.office.com.
- All employees are allowed to download and install Microsoft Office on several devices, visit: https://portal.office.com/account#
Accessing the W&L Network Remotely:
Two options exist; MyVI and VPN. More information and how to access can be found on the Employees Working from Home page.
- MyVI is the suggested platform and provides access to many applications (Raiser’s Edge, specialized instructional software, and web browsers running from the campus network).
- VPN (Virtual Private Network) creates a direct connection from your computer to the campus network. This should not be a need for many, but is available if required. (Some products, such as Perceptive Content, require VPN and cannot be used via MyVI).
- DO NOT attempt to connect or log in to MyVI and the VPN simultaneously. You must choose one or the other.
Important notes regarding remote connections:
- Connecting to the W&L network remotely will impact your performance and is not suggested for lower speed connections.
- If you are not in need of the W&L network, do not connect as that will consume a seat, possibly prohibiting others from using.
- Please log-off MyVI or VPN when not in use.
Virtual Team Meetings and Video Conferencing:
- ITS suggests Microsoft Teams as the primary meeting tool for administrative staff. (Zoom licensing exists and has been deployed to all faculty for instruction. Other Zoom licensing may be available for administrative use depending on need).
- Visit the Employees Working from Home page and look for “I want to hold or attend online meetings” for links and instructions.
- We’ve also prepared a resource page for comparing the various options here.
- For those still on campus, ITS is pushing both Microsoft Teams and Zoom to all Windows machines. Mac users can install on their own through Addigy by selecting the Addigy icon (then Install Software) from the menu bar.
Understanding and Managing your Remote Internet Connection:
- Visit the ITS post on Video Conferencing Tips: Setting Expectations (https://itsnews.wlu.edu/video-conferencing-tips-setting-expectations/) for tips and how to test your home connection.
Equipment Needs:
- ITS has begun distributing laptops to those who requested via this link: https://go.wlu.edu/laptoprequest. Please continue to use that link specifically for laptop needs.
- ITS has a very limited number of MiFi cellular hotspots for those in critical business functions without home Internet. If you feel you qualify, verify with your department head, then send an email to Dana Camper (dcamper@wlu.edu). ITS will reply shortly as we define top priorities with input from others.
- For all other equipment needs, please reach out to the Help Desk (540/458-4357, help@wlu.edu). Cameras, headsets and other instructional equipment are reserved for faculty use first with the balance available for all employees. An inventory of resources can be found here: https://my.wlu.edu/its/how-to/equipment-for-checkout.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any needs and we will work to accommodate you as quickly as possible. Unless noted otherwise above, please direct all requests to the Help Desk.
Thank you to all for your patience and gracious support of ITS through this rapid response situation. It is much appreciated.